Guest Wedding Attire
We know that planning an outfit for a wedding can be tricky without a little guidance, so we’ve put together some suggestions below to help you out.
Please make sure to follow the "don’t" section, as these guidelines are mandatory.
Wedding Colors
We planning our wedding theme colors around these however these might change as the year goes on! The website will be up all year if you'd like to re-visit for color updates.

We Loveee an English Hat!
As many of you already know, Katie’s family is partly English, and Antoine has English relatives as well. We would love to incorporate this cherished national tradition into our celebration, as it’s both beautiful and fun!

Season of October
Seasonal challenges
Because our wedding is in the fall, it might be a little chilly. Early fall around Paris is usually mild, but just to be safe, we recommend bringing a jacket or shawl to stay comfortable. It may also rain but we will move the ceremony into a tent if this occurs.

Please Remember to not do the following for wedding attire:

No Causal Outfits

No demin/or Jeans
This includes demin/jean Jackets

No Pure White Dresses
White with patterns are ok to wear!

No Sneakers
Please wear dress shoes